My Consultative Sales Approach

In my role, it’s been more about asking for the opportunity than the order. Sure, once we have the quote on the table, you need to ask what it will take to get the order. But many of those opportunities would not materialize without laying the groundwork.

My job has been about setting the stage for those quote requests to come into our internal sales staff for quoting and follow up. It’s all about trying to find out what the advertising brand is trying to accomplish and how our product can be used most effectively to carry out that goal.

As an example, our product can fill a unique role in the point of purchase world and that is not the everyday need that our customers are fulfilling for their major brands. And it’s not an application they would think their client wouldn’t necessarily realize.

I can offer them an added piece of their client’s marketing spend. It can be significant and more of an annuity than a majority of the rest of their order portfolio. It’s a natural fit for my customer and their established client, but the only way to uncover this through discovery, listening to the customer and finding how their clients go to market. It’s rewarding to help the customer land that added piece of business for both of us.

“It’s all about trying to find out what the advertising brand is trying to accomplish and how our product can be used most effectively to carry out that goal.”

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